The ABO offers excellent ringing facilities at four sites situated across the Island. Our Ringing research has made a major contribution to our understanding of the important role Alderney plays in Europe’s migration highways. Over 40,000 birds have been ringed since April 2016. We are delighted to welcome any licensed ringers (including trainees where supervision is available), from individuals to groups of up to ten. Our fully refurbished observatory s receiving very positive reviews from visitors.
Further information about ringing can be obtained from John Horton, the ABO warden TEL:07815 549191

Common Redstart – A spring and Autumn migrant regularly ringed at the ABO.

Common Rosefinch

Barred Warbler

Red-backed Shrike
Please see also the BTO website job opportunities page for details of positions at the Observatory. POSITIONS ARE NOW FILLED FOR THE 2021 SEASON