Help us to help birds with Operation ‘Cat Bells’

The most recent figures of how many creatures are killed by domestic cats are from the Mammal Society. They estimate that cats in the UK catch up to 100 million prey items over spring and summer, of which 27 million are birds.
This is the number of prey items which were known to have been caught. We don’t know how many more the cats caught, but didn’t bring home, or how many escaped but subsequently died.

The above statistics are especially relevant to small islands like Alderney that host hundreds of thousands of migrating birds every spring and autumn. Migrant birds can be particularly vulnerable to some ‘outdoor’ cats as many have travelled long distances and are looking to rest and recharge their batteries

To help us give birds and other wildlife a better chance of avoiding our friendly felines, the ABO are giving away FREE cat bells to Alderney cat owners. Contact us here or email