A spell of strong unfavorable winds and cold nights have held up migrants but in common with some significant reports of falls’ along the UK south coast these past few days an influx here over the last 72 hours was reflected in our ringing effort 16th- 18th April recording 502 birds as follows: 15 Sand Martin, 87 Swallow, 1 House Martin, 8 Tree Pipit, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Dunnock, 2 Robin, 7 Common Redstart, 2 Northern Wheatear, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Blackbird, 1 Ring Ouzel, 175 Blackcap, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 10 Common Whitethroat, 12 Sedge Warbler, 3 Reed Warbler, 1 Grasshopper Warbler, 112 Willow Warbler, 46 Chiffchaff, 1 Wren, 3 Chaffinch & 6 Goldfinch. Also 3 foreign controls 1 Pied Flycatcher, 1 Sedge Warbler and 1 Lesser Redpoll. Oh and one very happy visiting UK ringer, Hannah Collins.

Photo (MS),Yellow Wagtail.