Another very blowy day with few passerines about, the few I did see were not travelling with any finesse! The wind direction shifted from SW to W during the day.
This morning, I had a look at the beach at high tide at Clonque and had 41 Curlew, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Mediterranean Gulls. There was a smart White Wagtail at Braye Harbour, 1 Whimbrel at Longis Bay and single Wheatear on Longis Common this evening.
Paul and Catherine Veron had a 3rd yr Yellow-legged Gull on Crabby beach
Other wildlife of interest today was a very large bull grey seal close in to the shore at Platte Saline and we have a couple of sites on island now where Autumn Lady’s Tresses Orchid can be seen.