High winds and rain lasted until early afternoon after which a few choice nets were deployed in the improved conditions. Just a few birds were ringed during the PM session.

Passage migrants were fewer generally though a steady trickle of Swallows continued all afternoon with single House and Sand Martins seen. The Rose-coloured Starling was again on Longis Common. A Spotted Flycatcher and a Siskin were seen around Essex Farm. A Sandwich Tern was seen in Longis Bay along with a Dunlin and 4 Turnstone. On Longis pond there were 2 Teal, 1 male Shoveler, 2 Water Rail and 6 Snipe.


Wheatear – Longis Common – Photo Martin Batt

A Grey Seal was seen off Mannez lighthouse and there was a Hummingbird Hawkmoth in the Obs garden.