Yesterdays Wryneck has been followed today by our second Rose-coloured Starling of the Autumn. This new bird, another juvenile, was located in the brambles between the Obs and the old Kennels travelling with a dozen Starlings.
Naturetrek had another good day seeing good variety including Dartford Warbler on Essex Hill, Grey Seal in Longis bay and a Convolvulus Hawkmoth caught in the Obs moth trap. Also in the moth trap a species apply named ‘September Thorn’, though not uncommon in southern England thought to be only the 3rd ever recorded on Alderney.
Other species recorded included a Marsh Harrier over Mannez lighthouse, 4 Grey Plover, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit and a whimbrel on Longis beach. 2 Whinchats and at least 6 Stonechats on Longis Common. 6 Sanderlings and a Grey Heron on Braye Beach. The Greenfinch flock frequenting the Common was at about 60 birds this morning and possibly a seperate flock of 35 was present at Mannez reserve.
Ringing took place sporadically at all 3 of our sites today returning 82 new birds in total. Our visiting Essex based ringers caught 42 Swallows roosting at Mannez reserve where they also had our first Goldcrest of the month. Also ringed today were 16 Blackcaps, 3 Chiffchaffs, 1 Garden Warbler and 8 Goldfinches.