An Ortolan Bunting was spotted by Steve Sutcliffe and Chris Mourant late this afternoon on Longis Common. An unringed Yellow-browed Warbler was found on Longis Reserve by Ian Buxton a couple of hours after our 7th Yellow-browed of the week was ringed in Mannez Quarry. The Rose-coloured Starling was amongst the Starling roost on Longis Pond this evening and there were 6 Teal on Longis pond. There were 3 Grey Plovers and 3 Bar-tailed Godwits on Longis Beach. Other less common for Alderney species recorded today were 1 Mistle Thrush, 1 Grey Wagtail and 2 Skylarks.
Ringing today saw all the visiting Channel Islands ringers engage the 3 main ringing sites currently used by the Obs. In the early hours, lamping expert Dave Buxton caught a Dunlin on Longis Beach, which was the 2nd ever ringed on Alderney, the 1st one ringed over 50 years ago in 1962. A busy and exciting day resulted in a total of 155 new birds ringed. These included our first Dutch control (a Goldfinch). A late Spotted Flycatcher and 4 Firecrest ringed at Essex farm. 1 Yellow-browed Warbler and a Grasshopper Warbler were ringed at Mannez. The day total of 20 species also included 39 Robins, 30 Blackcaps and 28 Chiffchaffs, 11 Song Thrushes and 2 Redwings.