It was a super day for birding on Alderney today. Mark Atkinson reports 2 Hobby over Bon terre this morning and a Short eared Owl around Rose farm yesterday evening. At 1140 2 birders visiting from Dorset had White Stork over Mannez Lighthouse and shortly after a Serin in Mannez Quarry.

The White Stork was subsequently further reported and photographed during its ‘flying visit’ before being observed heading out towards France. An Osprey was reported from the Braye area by Filip of the AWT staff at 1300hrs and possibly the same bird was sighted at 1.15 by Martin Batt at Fort Houmet. Martin got super photos of the Stork and Osprey today. There were 7 Whimbrel feeding on the field overlooking Longis nature reserve this morning and at Whitegates around 20 Yellow Wagtails, at least double figures of White Wagtail were in the vacinity of Longis.  Male and female Sparrowhawks were hunting Mannez Quarry and the male Peregrine (missing 2 flight feathers) often seen over the Obs was over Essex Castle this evening.


White Stork – Newtown – Photo Martin Batt


Osprey – Fort Houmet –  Photo Martin Batt


Yellow Wagtail – Whitegates –  photo Martin Batt

Ringing was short lived today with limited nets due to the windy conditions. Despite a fine start to the day for ringing the SE winds soon gathered pace. Only 26 New birds were ringed but the low numbers included our 15th Control, a Reed Warbler (pictured below) with a French ring on. Today also saw our first 2016 hatch ringed bird, a recently fledged Blackbird. Other birds new ringed included 1 Reed Warbler, 1 Meadow Pipit, 3 Whitethroat, 3 Sedge Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff and 7 Blackcap.


Reed Warbler French ‘ Control ‘ Longis Nature reserve. See below photo of the ring on this bird.


Reed Warbler ‘Control’ – Longis Nature Reserve. Note the ring has the word PARIS inscribed on it, this does not mean that it was originally ringed in Paris, it identifies it as a bird ringed in France (Specific details of which we will soon attain) In the same way all UK rings have LONDON on the ring, and our own are inscribed for the CHANNEL ISLANDS


2016 hatch Blackbird – Longis Reserve