This Morning there was 1 Barwit and 4 Whimbrel on Longis Beach. I had 3 Swift in off the sea and a Sparrowhawk hunting around Essex farm. Grasshopper Warbler was again singing opposite the Obs and a Reed Warbler was reported from Barrackmasters lane.
A Pied Flycatcher, Wood Warbler, 5 Siskin and 2 Yellow Wagtails were observed in Mannez Quarry from where 3 Swifts and 3 Whimbrel were also seen. This evening there was a Cuckoo near the Target wall and 2 Wheatear by Corblets bay.
Another 153 new birds were ringed today, the better share at Mannez Quarry ringed by The Verons clocking up an impressive 84 new birds that included 6 Garden Warblers and a Tree Pipit. I ran 4 nets at Essex farm ringing 69 new birds by lunch time and after rain had prevented opening the nets until 0630hrs. Birds ringed at Essex included a Spotted Flycatcher and Common Redstart. Blackcap was the most common bird at both sites with 41 at Essex and 33 at Mannez which also had 28 Willow Warblers compared to only 10 at Essex. See Ringing pages for a breakdown of todays totals in full. Winds went SW for most of today turning W this evening then NW overnight with cloud cover, NW continuing into tomorrow but with the winds very light by morning, could be an interesting day…