Another excellent day for the seabird ringing team, this afternoon visiting the Ortac gannetry.  Thanks again to all involved today another fantastic effort, the combination of experience, enthusiasm, determination and teamwork made for another superb professional incident free day.  12 GPS tracking devices were fitted to adults Gannets,  the colour-ringing team made great progress and also around 200 more chicks were ringed. During the boat trip back early evening we saw 5 Manx  Shearwaters, 1 Balearic Shearwater and 3 Mediterranean Gulls (an adult with two recently fledged juveniles).

The moth trap was dominated by Large Yellow Underwing. Sand Dart and Burnished Brass moths were new records for the Obs.

A late entry is of a Greylag Goose that flew over Longis yesterday morning.


Gannets over Ortac this afternoon



Sand Dart Moth