Strong winds today gave us the chance to catch up on a number of other jobs around the Obs, as we prepare for our visiting seabird ringing team. It’s also beginning to look like we will have strong contingent of visiting ringers to help with our first ever autumn migration and there are now volunteer assistant wardens scheduled until at least early October.
The single Curlew was again on Longis beach this morning. From the sound of things, the Song Thrushes nesting in the Fuchsia a few feet from the Obs front door have now hatched, as have the Swallows in one of our in situ German bunkers. The moth trap was busy again with 58 individuals drawn into the trap, 6 Cream-spot Tigers this morning – amazing.
A little belatedly, a huge thanks to Grant, Nigel and Jimmy (Alderney Wildlife Trust volunteers), for making and providing the Obs with this magnificent bench seat, now situated in the field centre courtyard outside the Obs front door. Thanks also to Roland for providing the bench supports, which are from the last Elm tree on Alderney.