At last nights ABO presentation, one of the attendees described to me perfectly the same caterpillar that Paul Roper also found in Mannez Quarry a few days ago. Enquiries have revealed the creature to be an Emperor moth (pictured below). You’d need to be a brave bird to take that on!
Further news from yesterday are of a pair of Skylark with at least one juvenile on the track to Telegraph. Reports of Skylark have been very thin on the ground this year and it is good to confirm them breeding. The two Peregrine families certainly appear to be operating at either end of the island, the pair with 2 young now being regularly observed around Giffoine and the pair with one youngster are in the vicinity of Fort Albert.
Further updates for the records are of a Hobby over Bray on 10th July and 3 Mediterranean Gulls on Braye beach.
8th July: Telegraph Bay – 12 Swifts flying south-west towards Sark, 5 Raven, Peregrine. Arch Bay – 1 Whimbrel, 1 Curlew. Giffoine – 2 Peregrines. Mannez Lighthouse – 2 Grey Herons in from France (both mobbed by Herring Gulls)
9th July Mannez Lighthouse – 1 Grey Heron (mobbed by Herring Gulls), 1 Whimbrel
28th June 9 Manx Shearwaters off Fort Houmet Herbe.