Very little about this morning but there was another influx of Thrushes as the day went on. In the horse fields by the airport some 50 Thrushes predominantly Song Thrushes and Redwings were so intent on feeding they appeared oblivious to our presence. Further Thrush flocks again mostly Song Thrushes on the golf course and at Whitegates fields. There were 2 Wigeon on the small pond near the watermill and in total across this islands small quarries and ponds 62 Mallards. 1 Grey Wagtail at Corbletts quarry. A Woodcock, Grey Heron and Sparrowhawk at Mannez reserve. On Longis reserve still 10 Teal, also 1 male Shoveler and 2 Snipe. Anne-Isabelle Boulon reports the bird club walk seeing 2 Brent Geese, 1 Woodcock at Bonne Terre and 9 Lapwings at Vaindsaire.