by John Horton | Apr 10, 2016
Persistent strong Easterly gales put pay to the any ringing at the established sites but at the more sheltered Mannez Quarry a few migrants were ringed and a Grasshopper Warbler was once again reeling.
The LRP was still at the north end of Longis beach at first light and there were several phylloscs hugging the shoreline cover. A smart Water Pipit was at the Essex farm end of Longis Bay near the sewage works. Increased numbers of White and Pied Wagtails were evident and there was a 30 strong flock of Linnet in the pig pens. A couple of Swallow through today and 3 Wheatear were the other migrants recorded. Dartford Warbler was heard singing this morning at one of the recognised local breeding sites.
by John Horton | Apr 9, 2016
About 20 Swallows were over the pond on Longis nature reserve first thing this morning and 2 Snipe also remain. 4 Wheatears were on the cow field adjacent to the reserve and there was an LRP this evening on Longis Beach at the North end.
The proposed 30mph winds did not transpire and there was a good fall of migrants especially around Essex farm sewage works. A very busy days ringing ensued, we processed 253 birds including our first Pied Flycatcher and Grasshopper Warbler. Also ringed were 3 smart male Redstarts, a part leucistic Willow Warbler (pictured below), along with a French Ringed Willow Warbler control. An impressive 152 individuals (60%) of the total birds processed were Willow Warblers along with 47 Chiffchaffs and 30 Blackcaps.
Willow Warbler 9th April Essex Farm- Primaries 1-3 on left wing pure white, right wing P 1&2 plus PC 2 also white. Overall much paler underparts.
1st yr Male Pied Flycatcher 9th April Longis Reserve.
by John Horton | Apr 7, 2016
Strong Westerly winds dominated the day easing around 5pm when a single net beside the sewage works was opened for an hour resulting in 15 birds caught, Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Goldcrest and Blackap most of which were retraps that had put on good amounts of fat.
The afternoon was spent setting up nets our Mannez Quarry site for the first time where ringing should commence tomorrow.