A brief spell of NE winds made all the difference today.
At first light there were 10 Snipe, 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Teal, 4 Water Rail (3 juvs and one adult) on Longis Pond and a Wheatear on the Common
Ringing at Longis saw another 27 new birds that included 2 Pied Flycatchers and a UK Control Sedge Warbler. At mannez 39 new birds were ringed including 3 Pied Flycatchers, 1 Spotted Flycatcher and 14 Whitethroat. Todays new birds took us to 7040 new birds ringed since March 1st this year.
A first year Rose-coloured Starling was found by Paul and Catherine Veron at Mannez. It was showing well for at least 30mins at mid-day with a small starling flock on the pylons/wires opposite the Lighthouse. They also report a Hen Harrier, 12 House Martin and about 60 Swallows in the vicinity of the lighthouse.
Along the south cliffs 2 Pied Flycatchers in the last valley before the geese field. 3 Kestrels, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Peregrine, 2 Buzzard and 5 Raven.
This evening David Child reported 7 Black-tailed Godwits over the airfield headed NW. He also reports ‘several’ Wheatears along the south cliffs.
On Longis Bay this evening I had a winter plumage Sanderling, 1st winter Dunlin, 8 Ringed Plover, 1 Whimbrel, 11 Curlew, 3 Little Egrets and 1 Wheatear.
Almost forgot ! The photo of the the two warblers together posted yesterday, both are Willow Warblers ! Haviing ringed nearly 1400 this year and with the help of the new ringing guide I feel fairly confident that the bird on the left as you look at the picture is an adult. The one on the right a juvenile.