Northwesterly winds were strong overnight and eased this morning but, despite it remaining blustery, we were able to open several of the nets around Essex Farm at locations where the nets were nicely sheltered from the conditions. Ringing demonstrations were popular again this morning with about 40 people attending the Observatory for our weekly ‘open morning’. We had 42 new birds, a good variety with Willow Warbler again the most common bird. We have had 250 of these already this month and I understand the passage through the Channel Islands continues in good numbers for this species until the month end. We are beginning to see passage Blackcaps and Whitethroats and we also had another early migration mover this morning in the shape of a Garden Warbler. Information from Channel Islands ringing group gurus Richmond and Margaret Austin is that this week is also prime time here for Aquatic Warbler.
A late addition to today’s blog is of a Barn Owl passing through the Obs at 10pm, over the Obs outbuildings towards Essex Farm.