A few migrants are struggling through but also the cold weather is retaining species such as Snipe and Black-headed Gull which going by the last two years ABO records had moved on by now.
14 Brent Geese were seen off the NE coast on the 2nd. A few Whimbrels are moving through with 1 on the 1st and 3 on the 3rd. 2 Mediterranean Gulls (1st and 2nd winter birds) were amongst Herring Gulls at Giffione. The most common migrant continues to be Meadow Pipit with flocks of 50+ on the golf course, Longis Common an Whitegates fields, with the larger flocks there are often a few Pied and White Wagtails. 2 Sylarks were seen during the daily census on the 2nd along with an influx of Black Redstarts, the best day total we have recorded of this species to date; 7 birds including some cracking males; 5 were seen along the NE coastline and there were also 2 at the states works stores building at Platte Saline. 24 Wheatears were recorded (16 together on Longis common) on the 1st, and a single Siskin seen at Barrackmasters Lane. 3 Swallows were seen on the 2nd and 3 on the 3rd, the latter rifling past Mannez Lighhouse propelled by 30mph plus winds. Ringing opportunities have been rare, 35 new birds were processed on the 1st, predominantly Chiffchaffs but also Goldcrests, Blackcaps and 2 Firecrests. On the 3rd single Hawfinch was perched prominently on a leafless tall tree opposite coastguards cottages, it flew off towards Barrackmasters Lane.