Today was rather dominated by the BBC filming at the Observatory for Countryfile. It was all hands on deck to maintain the ringing operations and keep up with another good fall of migrants. 133 New Birds were ringed with Blackcap again most prominent with 54, followed by Willow warbler 35, other birds ringed included 9 Whitethroat, 8 Sedge Warbler, 1 Reed warbler, 8 Chiffchaff, 4 Garden Warbler, 5 Common Redstart, 1 Siskin, 1 Goldcrest and 1 Song Thrush. Minimal time was afforded to birding but a Cuckoo flew past the Obs and took up residence calling from Essex Hill at mid day. There was also a very light passage of Swallows. The Bar tailed Godwit and 2 Brent Geese were again on Longis Beach and Robert of the AWT team reported a Wood Warbler from Barrack masters lane. After yesterdays Subalpine Warbler we were lucky enough to bag a 2nd vagrant today, that being a Western Bonelli’s Warbler. Unfortunately only time to get record shots of the bird given the large number of birds to ring and the filming. This species appears to be a 1st record for Alderney Island.

Bonelli’s Warbler being processed and filmed by the BBC at the Obs – scribing by Countryfile and One show’s TV presenter Matt Baker

Bonelli’s Warbler – Longis Reserve – photo showing identification feature of lime rump