Evidence of the late migration of many species continued this week as we ringed more Redstarts and saw good numbers of Sand Martins. Wheatears were reported from several locations (mostly singles) to the week-end, well beyond last springs dates. Though we’ve not been swamped with volumes of birds, again some more unusual records this week and a very strong passage of House Martins. The Serin in Barrackmasters lane has been present and singing all week. Two of the Little Grebe chicks have come on very well on Longis pond and it looks like a pair of Kestrels have taken up residence in Fort Tourgis. Some late records from last week (6th May) included 6 Common Scoter and a dozen Manx Shearwaters seen off Clonque Bay and Giffione by a team of visiting Guernsey birders, the same crew had a Great Spotted Woodpecker ( a species only occasional on Alderney/not annually recorded) in Barrackmasters Lane and a Wood Warbler at Bonne Terre on the 7th. The same day a Grey Partridge was seen on the airfield.
8th – 8 Ringed Plover in Saye Bay. A female Whinchat on Longis Common
9th – 8 Yellow Wagtails at Longis pond and a pair of Whinchat on the Common.
10th – Justin had 2 Sanderling and 5 Dunlin at Saye Bay, 1 Whimbrel in Longis Bay and a Tree Pipit over Bibette head. There were at least 10 Whitethroats on Essex Hill and a male Dartford Warbler was spotted at one of the known territories. Sinlge Spotted Flycatcher at Barrackmaters Lane and another at Telegraph.
11th – Just after 9am John Wier and I got wonderful views from the observatory fort wall ramparts of a Black Kite as it loafed its way down and across Essex Hill and out across Longis bay and over Fort Razz towards France. I later discovered that Paul and Catherine Veron had also had a Black Kite around the same time over Mannez headed towards Fort Albert so we very likely had the same bird. Spotted Flycatcher, Redstart and Garden Warbler were all ringed at Mannez where a Cuckoo also showed well. A Hobby over Barrackmasters Lane was also seen over the golf course. 2 Whimbrel were in Longis bay ahead of the late high tide, Mark Atkinson saw a Turtle Dove at Rose Farm, our first of the spring. 3 Skylarks were reported by the Verons’ from Telegraph tower and 23 House Martins were feeding over At Longis bay in the evening, 1 Yellow Wagatil on the Common.
12th – 1 Bar-tailed Godwit in Braye Bay, 1 Whimbrel in Longis Bay. In Mannez quarry Justin and I watched a Turtle Dove chased by a pair of Collared Doves. There was a single Whinchat at the edge of the horse field at Sur La ville. In the afternoon the Hooded Crow was at the pig pens at the Giffoine. Some 200+ House Martins on passage through today.
13th – 60 House Martins over Barrackmasters Lane. 3 Yellow Wagtails on Longis Common. A Spotted Flycatcher at the top of the 9th fairway on the golf course
14th – Early morning there was a Marsh Harrier hunting over the airport and as we opened up the ringing nets at Rose farm we put up a Nightjar. There were 3 Ringed Plovers on Longis beach and 1 Sanderling at Platte Saline. Our first Black-tailed Godwit of the year was spotted in Clonque Bay by Abbi Ferear. Again there was a single Yellow Wagtail at Longis common.
Our first Glanville Fritillary butterfly are being reported and there are plenty of caterpillars of the same at Giffoine.