Winds continued NE gradually fading throughout the day to a very beautiful still sunny evening.

This morning John Weir and I ringed on Longis reserve until mid-day. We had 3 Common Sandpipers on the man-made island at first light and 20+ Hirundines over the pond. There was another good fall of migrants today particularly of Willow Warblers with up to 60 individuals on the sewage works at one time ! I had a delightful early afternoon session with the island ‘Watch’ group (the Alderney youth wildlife group) at Mannez Quarry. PM there was a male Pied Flycatcher in Barrackmasters Lane where the Hoopoe showed well in one of the private gardens. Robert from the AWT had 2 Pied Fly in the same area. The Brent Goose was again in Longis Bay. At 1630 the licensed island ringers (all 3 of us!) combined forces and I was joined by Paul and Catherine Veron to ring Essex farm which was again very busy with migrant birds.

The Naturetrek group had Common Redstarts into double figures, 3 Whinchats, 3 swifts a female pied flycatcher a and Dartford warbler today.

Ringing: 216 birds were processed today including some 125 Willow Warblers, 49 Blackcaps, 8 Whitethroats, 6 Chiffchaffs, 5 Common Redstarts, 4 Reed Warblers, 3 Goldcrests, 2 Lesser Whitethroats and a Garden Warbler. Highlight was a ‘Control’ Chiffchaff ringed in Denmark (pictured below).


1st yr Chiffchaff with Danish ring – Essex farm


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Male Stonechat – photographed nr the Odeon today by Dr. Sandy Robertson