This week has whizzed by. Meetings and paperwork have taken precidence with an ABO committee meeting this week along with preparations for the renovations of the Observatory scheduled to begin 4th September.

After the disappointment of the 2nd Petrel ringing weekend cancelled due to the weather we were delighted to get in a good Petrel session on 31st July on Alderneys NE coast, local ringers were joined by visitors Tim & Nicci. In excellent conditions Over 3hrs we processed 47 birds. These included an impressive 3 French and 1 UK Control (birds not originally ringed in the Channel Isles). Also 2 local re-traps from previous years efforts both originally ringed on Burhou island (Alderney) in July 2014.

5th Aug – At 8pm the high tide roost site at the NE end of Longis Bay held 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Turnstone, 2 Whimbrel and 2 Sandwich Terns (one a recently fledged bird). Also a grey seal just off shore.

6th Aug – A passerine ringing session at Longis common this morning with local trainee John Weir was steady with common migrant warblers, mostly 2017 hatch birds. 61 new birds ringed included 15 Willow Warblers. On Longis bay at evening high tide 11 Ringed Plovers, 2 Dunlin and 1 Sanderling.