These past few days have seen an emergence of good numbers of recently fledged Goldfinches. Common Terns carrying food are busy passing back and forth between their nesting colony and Houme herbe so hopes of further chicks making it are looking positive.
20th – 4 Whimbrels, a Common Sandpiper and 14 Mediterranean Gulls were recorded off the NE coast (ABO census). 4 Swifts passed over Mannez lighthouse and out to sea first thing.
21st – 2 Balearic Shearwaters off Houme Herbe early evening brought our island annual total to 151 species ahead of the autumn migration. 2 Sanderlings and a Whimbrel were observed from the same location.
22nd July – 2 returning passerine migrant species; Sedge Warbler (2) and Willow Warbler (2) were ringed at Longis Pond and 2 Sandwich Terns were spotted off Houme Herbe. In the overnight moth trap some great variety again included a new species for the ABO. We commonly see the Small Elephant Hawkmoth here but not its larger relative the Elephant Hawkmoth (photo JH). Though fairly common in the UK, it is listed as ‘Very local and rare in the Channel Isles’ with under 10 records historically in Alderney.
A group of Guernsey Birders, wildlife photographers and enthusiasts (below – photo JH) came to Alderney by chartered boat on a group trip to enjoy our magnificent seabird colonies. A great opportunity to show them around our refurbished and operating Bird observatory.
23rd- 3 Willow Warblers, 1 Sedge Warbler and a Common Gull were recorded during the ABO daily census.