The first Redwings arrived on the evening of the 7th and between watching them and a Whinchat a superb perched Ring Ouzel at Longis reserve hide had our visiting group of Hampshire birders and ringers staying at the Obs spoilt for choice…

Little Egret reached 10 birds at the roost site on the 2nd. A Great White Egret obligingly passed over Longis reserve on the 8th to the delight of our assembled obs visitors. Also at Longis pond two male Wigeon dropped in at dusk on the 8th. Water Rails are up to at least 4 birds at Longis pond, 2 at Mannez pond and 2 at Rose Farm. Golden Plover were seen around across island on the 7th with a single over Rose farm, 4 passed Mannez lighthouse and 22 were gathered on fields near the airport. There were 5 Bar-tailed Godwit at Houme herbe on the 4th with 3 still present on the 7th in Longis Bay, also here 5 Whimbrel. A single Greenshank was at Longis pond on the 3rd and 5th. Up to 3 Mediterranean Gulls are being regularly seen, especially around Houme Herbe,  a high count however was of 9 in Clonque bay on the 9th. The 50mph winds on the morning of the 7th had Gulls gathering off Clonque bay with 120 Black headed Gulls our highest total this year. Lesser Black backed Gull has not been seen since the 4th. Sandwich Terns sightings in 1 or 2 birds have been frequent. A nice total of 32 Stock Dove were feeding on fields at Gran Mare on the 7th. Following a movement of Swallows around 175 were present at the Longis pond roost on the 7th. Single Kingfishers have been reported almost daily with sightings mostly along the NE coast and Longis pond where 24 White Wagtails came in to roost on the 7th. Migrant Grey Wagtails have also been seen daily with a high count of 4 on the 5th. The Black Redstart hanging around the obs was last seen on the 7th. A Common Redstart was on mannez lighthouse wall on the 2nd and Whinchat was seen at Longis common 5ht, 7th & 9th. There were 2 Wheatear on the NE coastline on the 2nd. A male Ring Ouzel showed unusually well at Longis reserve on the 7th along with the autumns first Redwings, of which there were some 700 through the island on the 8th, a single Fieldfare over Essex farm also on the 8th with another over Rose farm on the 9th. A Mistle Thrush was at Grand Mare on the 7th. A female Cetti’s Warbler was ringed at Longis pond on the 3rd and a male was ringed at Rose farm on the 9th. A late record of Whitethroat at Mannez on the 1st and Reed Warbler on the 9th. A Yellow browed Warbler was ringed at Mannez on the 9th and an unringed bird seen later in the morning at Barrackmasters lane. Firecrest numbers are rising with 6 ringed at Rose farm on the 8th. Small flocks of Starlings are beginning to appear. Finch movements have been evident with flocks of over 100 of Goldfinch, Greenfinch and Linnet all recorded. The first notable influx of Chaffinches came on the 9th.

Our observatory bird census walks 2nd and 4th produced 9 species of butterfly including 3 Clouded Yellow.

Moths; we are getting good numbers of Delicate, Beautiful Gothic and Autumnal Rustic this week. And there was this beauty found in St Annes on the 1st

Oleander Hawk moth – Photo JH ABO

Lastly thank you to Dr.Sandy Robertson for providing a wonderful photo of this springs White spotted Bluethroat in Mannez lighthouse garden. You’ll need to visit the observatory to see it !

Yellow-browed Warbler – Mannez reserve – photo – Paul James