Some late flurries of winter thrushes. Strong winds and rain have dominated so far this month but when opportunity presented there have been some productive ringing sessions and notable sightings.
At least 1 Little Grebe present on Corblets quarry so far this month (2 on 3rd) and 2 on Longis pond 14th probably the same birds moving between sites. The 2 Pink footed Geese were still present on the 1st along with 3 Graylag Geese at the Impot fields/Kiln farm present to 16th. A Brent Goose Longis Bay 16th. A single Teal on Longis pond 8th. A Merlin over the west coast on the 12th. Common Buzzards across the island appear to consist of 3 regularly seen over Longis Common, a solitary bird regularly at Kiln farm and a further 2 birds regularly around the Zigzag/Giffione. Water Rails now at several locations including at least 3 on Longis and Mannez reserves. A high count of 8 Moorhen on Rose farm pond 4th and 1 ringed at Longis pond on the 5th. Single Grey Plover at Braye Bay 5th and Longis Bay 16th. A Lapwing at Giffione on the 1st. Woodcock at Longis pond on the 1st and Mannez quarry on the 12th. 1 Whimbrel amongst 42 Curlew at the high tide roost Clonque Bay on the 1st. On the 4th 1 Turnstone at Mannez lighthouse and 4 on Platte Saline beach. 7 Mediterranean Gulls Braye Bay on the 5th and 2 on the 14th. A high count of 41 Black-headed Gulls Braye Bay on the 5th. Lesser black backed Gull Corblets Bay 1 on 6th and Impot Fields 2 on 9th & 1 on 16th. Some good Herring Gull counts peaking at 132 on the Impot fields 13th. Gail force winds on the 7th brought in sheltering Great black backed Gulls with 48 on Fort Les Hommeaux Florains (just off Mannez lighthouse). 6 Kittiwake were seen off Chateau a l’Etoc 3rd Dec. Several reports of single Sandwich Terns peaked at 6 around Fort Razz on the 10th. We have had 4 separate sightings of Barn Owl during the first half of the month each between Longis Common and the Mannez area. In the hard weather of the 7th there were 14 Rock pipits feeding amongst the beached seaweed at Platte saline. Single Grey Wagatils have been seen at the bird Observatory, St. Annes and Rose farm. A smart Black Redstart was feeding on sandhoppers at the north end of Longis Bay on the 10th. Winter Thrush movements continued until the 12th; Exactly 50 Redwings were ringed at Mannez quarry on the 11th and included 2 of the Icelandic race ‘coburni’. Cetti’s Warblers are being regularly recorded at both Mannez and Longis reserves and involve at least 4 different birds. A Firecrest was seen at Rose Farm on the 10th. The odd Brambling is still around, 3 Rose farm on the 4th & 1 at Mannez Quarry 11th. Also at Rose farm on the 4th 4 Sisikin.

Little Egret – Braye common – photo Dr.Sandy Robertson

Atlantic Grey Seal – Arch Bay – Photo Dr. Sandy Robertson