As promised here are the results of Alderneys participation in the National Moth nights. Thanks to David Wedd our resident moth guru for providing us with this data.
OCTOBER 13 + 14 + 15
28009 E sarcitella White-shouldered House Moth 648 + + 2
45054 E monodactyla Common Plume 1524 1 + 1 + 2
49039 E postvittana Light Brown Apple Moth 998 21 + 24 + 20
49109 A hamana 937 1 + 1 +
63031 U ferrugalis Rusty-dot Pearl 1395 35 + 33 + 54
63052 N noctuella Rush Veneer 1398 2 + 2 + 2
70017 I degeneraria Portland Ribbon Wave 1714 + + 1
70270 E bistortata Engrailed 1947 1 + + 1
70049 X fluctuata Garden Carpet 1728 + + 1
70077 P firmata Pine Carpet 1767 2 + 5 + 1
70081 T obeliscata Grey Pine Carpet 1768 1 + 5 + 1
70083 T cupressata Cypress Carpet 1771a 1 + 2 + 2
70095 C siterata Red-green Carpet 1760 1 + 1 + 1
70141 G rufifasciata Double-striped Pug 1862 1 + 1 + 2
70159 E phoeniceata Cypress Pug 1855 1 + 3 + 3
70173 E centaureata Lime-speck Pug 1825 + 1 + 1
70226 O luteolata Brimstone 1906 1 + +
70258 P rhomboidaria Willow Beauty 1937 6 + 1 + 2
70284 H fasciaria Barred Red 1962 4 + 5 + 14
70294 A ochrearia Yellow Belle 1968 + + 1
72002 R sericealis Straw Dot 2474 4 + 2 + 8
72003 H proboscidalis Snout 2477 6 + 4 + 4
72006 H obsitalis Bloxworth Snout 2478 5 on ivy
72043 E depressa Buff Footman 2049 3 + 13 + 7
72045 E lurideola Common Footman 2050 + 4 + 1
72046 E complana Scarce Footman 2047 + 3 +
72047 E caniola Hoary Footman 2045 + 1 + 1
72061 S costaestrigalis Pinion-streaked Snout 2484 1 + 9 + 6
73002 A triplasia Dark Spectacle 2449 + 1 +
73015 A gamma Silver Y 2441 7 + 4 + 5
73068 A oxyacanthae Green-brindled Crescent 2245 + 1 +
73093 C kadenii Clancy’s Rustic 2387a 11 + 8 + 20
73113 P meticulosa Angle Shades 2306 2 + 2 + 3
73123 H micacea Rosy Rustic 2361 2 + 2 + 2
73134 R lutosa Large Wainscot 2375 2 + 9 + 12
73178 L oditis Beautiful Gothic 2226 13 + 9 + 9
73186 A lychnidis Beaded Chestnut 2267 15 + 18 + 15
73189 A lota Red-line Quaker 2263 4 + 3 + 1
73193 C lunosa Lunar Underwing 2270 14 + 33 + 39
73206 L leautieri Blair’s Shoulder-knot 2240 + 2 +
73229 T flammea Flame Brocade 2251 41 + 76 + 78
73233 A nigra Black Rustic 2232 28 + 35 + 56
73235 P lichenea Feathered Ranunculus 2255 37 + 80 + 98
732 37 P flavicincta Large Ranunculus 2252 4 + 4 + 11
73295 M vitellina Delicate 2195 15 + 24 + 27
73300 M l-album L-album Wainscot 2202 7 + 13 + 12
73307 P saucia Pearly Underwing 2119 + + 1
73310 A segetum Turnip Moth 2087 5 + 5 + 3
73324 A trux Crescent Dart 2090 10 + 10 + 15
73325 A puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 2092 7 + 6 + 12
73342 N pronuba Large Yellow Underwing 2107 33 + 37 + 25
73345 N comes Lesser Yellow Underwing 2109 + + 2
73352 X xanthographa Square-spot Rustic 2134 5 + 7 + 4
73359 X c-nigrum Setaceous Hebrew Character 2126 + + 4
73365 E glareosa Autumnal Rustic 2117 5 + 26 + 38
59003 Pararge aegeria Speckled Wood 1614 1 + + 1
59023 Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral 1590 1 + 1 + 2
3 nights using 5 traps; 1550 moths in all, of 57 species.
A week of mixed weather but predominently blustery conditions. Towards the end of the week stormy conditions and we began to signs of large numbers of Starlings, finches and Thrushes arriving at and passing over the island. Several species of birds were ringed that don’t come around too often and we recorded one very surprising visitor !
17th – Sandy Robertson had a juvenile Wheatear on the german anti tank wall Longis bay. Surprise of the day and indeed the year thus far was a sighting of the pelican pictured below. A video was taken of the bird in Longis bay by local resident Samantha Jenkins who then transmitted the video to the ABO facebook page. On receipt of the video I had to watch it twice (seated the second time) during which I focused on the background verifying the location. Enhanced photos lead us to believe this is a Dalmation Pelican. It turns out that a Dalmation Pelican (highly likely the same bird, they don’t grow on trees in this part of the world) was sighted on the 4th of October in Normandy France.
A rare breeding resident for us is the Long tailed Tit pictured below. Just 3 sightings of this species here this year, just one of these wonderful birds was ringed at Rose Farm.
18th – A very late migrating Willow Warbler was ringed by Paul & Catherine Veron in thier garden. Another rare bird locally (Bullfinch pictured below) was ringed at Mannez quarry. A single Lapwing was seen flying in off the sea over the lighthouse. A vocal Brambling was also observed from the reserve hide.
19th – Both Black Redstart and a late Common Redstart were ringed at Mannez Quarry. An invasion of finches, mainly Chaffinches and Goldfinches along with Song Thrushes and Blackbirds in high numbers included this Brambling ringed at Rose Farm. 3 further Bramblings were seen flying over along with around 35 Siskins. The Verons enjoyed a female Hawfinch in thier garden !
A day of 40-50mph winds. John Wier, Justin and I planted a variety of fruit trees, shrubs and hedges on our Essex farm ringing site owned by Bruno Kay-Mouat. Huge thanks to Nigel Clarke of ‘Allergy Friendly Plants’ Guernsey, for lending his expertise and for donating all these plants to the ABO. Also thanks also to Bruno Kay-Moet for continuing to support the ABO by working with us to enhance parts of his land for the benefit of attracting and supporting our birds. In a couple of years we should begin to see the benefits of this planting as it begins to supply food and shelter for thousands of migrant and resident birds. 4 House Martins were in a windy Longis Bay.
22nd – Another day of strong winds from the south and South West. A drive around the island confirmed that conditions were at best challenging. There were 2 Mediterranean Gulls on Crabby Beach, a sub adult Common Gull on Platte Saline beach, 65 Herring Gulls sheltering on Tourgis Hill and a 300 strong flock of Starlings in the vicinity of the airfield. Justin recorded 2 House Martins over Essex Farm and got stuck into entering ringing data and spent several happy hours writing the ‘Terms and Conditions for the bookings page on the forthcoming new ABO website.